Simple Tip Percentage Calculator

How much was your bill?

How was your service?

How many people are sharing the bill?

0.00 each


Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to calculate a tip, but you weren't sure how much it should be? Or maybe you knew the tip amount, but didn't know how to split it among multiple people? Whether you're at a restaurant, bar, or buffet, calculating the right tip on the spot can be stressful.

That's why I'm excited to introduce you to an online simple tip percentage calculator. With this tool, calculating tips accurately and quickly is a piece of cake. Plus, it's an easy way to ensure you're splitting the bill at group dinners evenly. Here's your guide to understanding and using a simple tip percentage calculator.

What Is a Simple Tip Calculator?

Whether you’re dining out or taking out, an online simple tip calculator provides an easy and reliable solution. A simple tip calculator takes your bill total and multiplies it by a predetermined percentage – usually 15%, 18% or 20% – to give you the exact amount of gratuity that you should leave.

This way, you don’t have to rely on mental math or guesswork when calculating your tip, making it quick and easy to determine what’s fair. With an online simple tip calculator, all you have to do is enter your bill total and the desired percentage, and then hit calculate. You can be confident that the result is the exact amount that should be left for a great service.

How Do I Use a Simple Tip Calculator?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and underprepared when it's time to calculate a tip? Not to worry—a simple tip calculator can do the math for you. All you have to do is enter in the total cost of the bill and your desired percentage of tip.

Here's how it works:

  • Enter in your total cost into the calculator – remember to include taxes if it’s already included in the cost.
  • Pick your desired tip percentage – anywhere from 15% for average service to 25%+ for exceptional service.
  • Click 'calculate' – you should be generated an instant total that includes the meal, and a recommendation for a gratuity amount based on your chosen percentage.

Now you can make an informed decision on how much you'd like to leave as a gratuity!

Using an online simple tip percentage calculator not only saves time calculating tips, but also allows you to always leave your server with a fair amount based on their performance and yours.

Benefits of Using a Simple Tip Calculator

Here are the benefits of using a simple tip calculator:


No more guessing or doing mental math when it’s time to calculate a tip. With a simple tip calculator, all you have to do is enter the amount of the bill and the desired tip percentage, and you will get the exact amount of the tip immediately. No more worrying about doing calculations wrong or running out of fingers to count on!

Easy to Use

If you’re not much good at math, no problem! Our online simple tip percentage calculator makes it super easy for anyone to calculate tips. All you have to do is enter the amount of your bill and select your preferred percentage from a range of preset options—it’s as easy as that!

No Frills

You don’t have to worry about any confusing (or unnecessary) features with our online simple tip calculator—all it does is make calculating tips quick and accurate. That means that if you just need a straightforward tool for calculating tips, then our simple tip calculator is all you need!


At the end of the day, an online simple tip percentage calculator is a great way to keep track of your tips and make sure you're giving the right amount of money to your servers. With just a few clicks, you can easily and accurately calculate your exact tip amount with no guesswork. Plus, you'll never have to worry about how much to leave again, giving you peace of mind when dining out. So next time you're dining out, forgo the math and use an online simple tip percentage calculator for an accurate take on tips!

Frequently Asked Questions on the Simple Tip Percentage Calculator

You may still have some questions about the Simple Tip Percentage Calculator and how it can help you calculate tips. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the calculator:

Q. Is tip the same as gratuity?

Have you ever wondered if there's a difference between “tip” and “gratuity”? You are not alone! The answer is yes, there is a difference.

Tip refers to the money that you voluntarily leave on the table after a meal or service. On the other hand, gratuity is a sum of money that is added to your bill as an additional charge. In other words, gratuity is more like a service charge rather than a tip given out of gratitude.

Q. Are tips included in salary?

No, tips are not typically included in salary. Tips are optional payments made by customers for service rendered, and may or may not be expected by the service provider. Service providers usually report tips as additional income, which is then subject to tax laws.

Q. Is it compulsory to tip?

Tipping isn't necessarily compulsory, but it's standard practice to reward good service. It's up to you how much or how little you tip (it can be 10 percent, 15 percent, 20 percent or more). This is why having an online simple tip percentage calculator handy can save you time and effort.

Q. What is a 20% tip on a $100?

To make calculation simple, first let's calculate what is 10% of 100, the 10% is 10. Let's now multiple 10 by 2. This makes 20% which is 20. For more complex numbers, always use our simple tip percentage calculator at ease.

Q. What is 15% tip on a $100?

Let's calculate what is 10% tip by moving the decimal point by one, which is $10 for $100. Divide the $10 by 2. This makes 15% which is $15