Exact Age Calculator
Birth Date:

Calculate your age

* Year here means 365 days and Month here means 30 days, thus your birthday may not means you will be 0 days old


Have you ever been asked how many years, months and days you're old and for a moment frozen in panic? You want to appear polite by providing an answer, but you can't quite recall your exact age in years, month & days. Now, with this convenient age calculator online by date of birth, you'll never have to make a quick calculation in your head again! Whether it's at a job interview or small talk at a party, it's always helpful to have the exact answer instantly available.

With this age calculator online by date of birth, all you have to do is enter your date of birth and it automatically calculates your current age. It's that easy! Plus, everyone loves a bit of math so why not make the calculation part of the fun? Let's explore how this calculator works and why it is such an incredible tool that will take all the guessing out of knowing your age.

Introduction to Age Calculator Online by Date of Birth

Are you wondering how old you are today, or how many days old you are? With this age calculator online by date of birth, you can instantly calculate your age with just a few clicks. This calculator is a great way to get a quick and accurate estimate of your age, without having to manually crunch the numbers yourself.

Simply input your date of birth and the calculator will show the number of years, months and days that have passed since then. It's fast, easy and absolutely free! Whether you're looking for your exact age today or simply wanting to know how many years have passed since a particular event in your life, this age calculator online by date of birth has got you covered. Try it out now!

Advantages and Benefits of Using an Age Calculator

Are you curious to find out your age quickly and accurately? With an age calculator online by date of birth, you can get your exact age in seconds—no complicated math formulas or formulas to remember.

Using an age calculator has its advantages and benefits. First, it saves time that would otherwise be spent manually calculating your age from the date you were born. Second, it's incredibly convenient. It doesn't matter where you are—all you need is Internet access and the ability to enter your date of birth into the calculator. Lastly, it's accurate and reliable since it uses an algorithm to quickly calculate your exact age in years, months, weeks and days down to the second.

Using an online age calculator is the quickest way to get an accurate account of how old you are today!

How This Age Calculator Works

Using this age calculator is actually quite simple. All you have to do is enter your date of birth, click "Calculate Age" and you're good to go!

Step 1 - Enter Date of Birth

In the space provided, type in your date of birth. It should look something like this: MM/DD/YYYY — which stands for month, day and year.

Once the information is entered, click the "Calculate Age" button at the bottom of the page and your age will be revealed!

Step 2 - Determine Your Age

You'll get an instant result with your age being calculated by the calculator. The number comes up in years, months and days —so you can see exactly how old you are down to the exact day!

It's as easy as that! Now you know how this age calculator works — so why not give it a try?

What Does the Age Calculator Tell You?

Ever wondered how old you are in days, hours, minutes, or even seconds? Well, now you can know with the age calculator by date of birth! Enter your birthday and this age calculator will tell you exactly how long you've been alive.

Get the Answer Instantly

With this age calculator online by date of birth, you can get your answer immediately and share it with friends! All you need to do is enter your date of birth into the calculator and it will instantly tell you how many years, months, weeks and days old you are. Plus, it's free to use so you don't have to worry about a subscription fee or hidden costs.

More Than Just Your Age

The age calculator goes further than just telling you your age. It can also show you a calendar of all major holidays in that year, as well as special events like anniversaries and birthdays. Plus, if you're feeling curious about past years or the future years for yourself or someone else, simply adjust the year setting at the top and it will reveal all the major holidays in that time period too!

Tips on How to Get Accurate Results With an Age Calculator

If you want to get accurate results with an age calculator, there are some things to keep in mind.

Date Format

When inputting your date of birth, make sure that you do so in the right format. Generally speaking, you should use the year-month-day format (yyyy-mm-dd), but it is important to double check the instructions on the particular age calculator tool you are using to make sure that you are entering it correctly.

By following these tips and being mindful of the details when using an online age calculator, you will be able to get accurate results with ease!

Calculating Your Age Manually

If you prefer to calculate your age manually, it's important to understand the basic calculations involved. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Calculate the difference in years between the current date and your birth date. To do this, subtract the year of your birth from the current year.

Calculate the difference in months between the current date and your birth date. To do this, subtract the month of your birth from the current month.

Calculate the difference in days between the current date and your birth date. To do this, subtract the day of your birth from the current day.

Once you have calculated the difference in years, months, and days, you can put the results together to get your age.


In conclusion, calculating your age accurately is important, and there are several ways to do it. Whether you prefer to use an online age calculator or calculate your age manually, the key is to have accurate information about your birth date and the current date. With this information, you can easily calculate your age and get accurate results in no time.

FAQs on Calculating Your Age Online

Q. What is the accuracy of an age calculator?

An age calculator is highly accurate, as long as the date of birth and current date you enter are correct. However, it is important to double-check the results, especially if you're using an age calculator for important purposes such as applying for a loan or insurance policy.

Q. Can I use an age calculator to calculate the age of someone else?

Yes, you can use an age calculator to calculate the age of someone else by entering their date of birth and the current date. This is especially useful if you're trying to determine the age of a family member or friend, or if you need to calculate the age of someone for legal or administrative purposes.

Q. Is there a difference between an online age calculator and a software age calculator?

An online age calculator is a tool that you can access through a web browser, while a software age calculator is a program that you download and install on your computer. Both types of age calculators work similarly, but the main difference is that a software age calculator is faster and more reliable, as it does not rely on an internet connection.