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Have you ever wondered how many calories you are burning during your regular workouts? Or how much weight you could lose if you exercise for a certain number of hours? With the help of an exercise calories burned per day calculator, you can easily get an accurate assessment of how many calories you’re burning during your workouts.

An exercise calories burned per day calculator can offer an easy way to track and measure the amount of energy you expend on a daily basis. It takes into account factors such as your weight, age, gender, and activity level to come up with an estimate of how many calories are burned during a given workout. In addition to this, it also offers insight into current trends in diet and exercise, helping you to make better decisions when planning your fitness routine.

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert when it comes to fitness, this exercise calories burned per day calculator is a great tool to have in your arsenal. Let’s dive into the world of calorie tracking, and find out what this calculator has to offer!

How Does an Exercise Calories Burned Per Day Calculator Work?

Have you ever wondered how to calculate the amount of calories you burn each day from exercise? Well, the simplest way is to use an exercise calories burned per day calculator.

But how does it work? Essentially, it uses a combination of your personal information (such as gender, age, weight, and height) and the type of exercise you are doing to calculate a rough estimate of how many calories you are burning per exercise session.

To get the most accurate results, make sure to update any relevant data each time you use it—for example, if your weight has changed or if there is a new exercise session that isn't in the calculator's records. Additionally, enter in all exercises that you complete throughout your day to get a more comprehensive estimate.

At the end of each day, these data sets will be combined to give you an approximate number of total calories burned per day. This estimate can then serve as a useful tool for tracking your progress and motivating yourself to keep up on your fitness journey.

Tips for Getting Accurate Results With the Calculator

An exercise calories burned per day calculator can be a great way to get an idea of how much energy you're expending, and by extension, how much food you should be eating in order to meet your health goals. That said, there are a few key tips to keep in mind if you want to maximize the accuracy of your results.

  • First, enter information like sex and weight as accurately as possible. This will ensure that calculations related to your body’s makeup will be as accurate as possible.
  • Second, choose the activity like walking, running, etc. and duration accurately.
  • Finally, track the calories burned daily to get an overview of how to reach your fitness goals. Keeping this information up-to-date will help keep your results accurate and reliable!

Do Walking and Running Have Different Calorie-Burning Rates?

Yes, walking and running have different calorie-burning rates. When you use an exercise calories burned per day calculator, you can get an accurate estimate of how many calories you’ll burn when doing each activity.


When you take a leisurely walk, the number of calories burned will depend on your weight and how long you walk. An average person weighing 74 Kg will burn about 183 calories in 30 minutes while walking at a 3 Mph pace. If they walk at a 4 mph pace, they’ll burn up to 258 calories in the same time period.


Running is more strenuous than walking and therefore burns more calories. An average person weighing 74 Kg will burn up to 414 calories in 30 minutes running at a 6 mph pace. If they increase their speed to 8 mph, they can burn up to 546 calories during that same time period.

Of course, if your aim is to lose weight through exercise, it’s important not only to track the number of calories burned but also create a caloric deficit by eating less than you need so that your body can use stored fat for energy. Fortunately, an exercise calorie calculator can help with this too!

Can I Calculate Other Workouts With a Calorie-Burning Calculator?

Sure, you can absolutely use a calorie-burning calculator to get accurate results while tracking your gym sessions and other activities. Whether you're doing things like running, biking, swimming, strength training or just general walking and moving around—it's all possible to include in calculating your total caloric burn for the day.

To start recording and tracking your workouts in your calorie calculator, simply input the data for each session you do. This could include:

  • Duration of workout
  • Type of exercise
  • Intensity of the activity
Once it’s all plugged in, sit back and see the progress! A look down at your daily caloric burn report gives you an idea of how active you’ve been that day and how much extra work it might take to hit any fitness goals. On top of that, having a record over time lets you measure improvements in endurance as well as helping ensure that any diet changes are matched with adequate exercise.

Does Swimming Burn More Calories Than Running and Walking?

There's no easy answer to this question, as the amount of calories you burn during swimming, walking or running depends on a number of factors. It's not just how fast you swim or run—but how far, how long and how hard you push yourself.

Weight and Resistance

Your weight and the resistance of the water against your body are two important factors that contribute to the amount of calories burned when swimming. A heavier body will require more energy to move, so more calories will be burned swimming than if you were running for the same time. On the other hand, if water is not as resistant to movements as air when running or walking, then fewer calories will be burned.

Intensity Level

The intensity level also plays a role in calorie burning—the harder and faster you swim, run or walk, the more calories your body burns to keep up with the pace. And if you're using something like a treadmill for running or walking, it might take more effort for your muscles to move against its motioned plates than to take a leisurely walk down a street.

Heart Rate

Finally, paying attention to one’s heart rate while either swimming or running can make a huge difference in how many calories get burned per day. Your heart rate is directly related to whether your exercise is anaerobic (high intensity) or aerobic (low intensity), so monitoring it with an exercise calculator can help you manage both intensity levels and calorie burn rates better.

What Other Factors Affect How Many Calories You Can Burn in a Day?

It's not just exercise that affects how many calories you burn in a day. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) also plays a role. 

Your BMR is the number of calories your body burns when at rest, and it depends on several factors, including your height, weight, age and gender.


The heavier you are, the higher your BMR will be; as weight increases, so does the body’s energy demands. That means if you weigh more, you need to eat more to maintain that weight—usually around 400 extra calories per day for every 4.5 Kg you're carrying.


As people age, the American Council on Exercise (ACE) says their BMR begins to decline starting at age 20 due to changes in metabolic rate and muscle mass loss. So even though you may be eating less than when you were younger, you may still be able to maintain - or even gain-weight over time because of a lower metabolism.


ACE also reports that men have about 10 percent higher BMRs than women because they generally have more muscle mass on average; therefore they require more energy for basic body functions at rest. That's why an exercise calories burned per day calculator usually already takes gender into account when calculating potential results; however factors like height and weight might need to be manually added depending on the calculator.


Ultimately, the key to success with an exercise calories burned per day calculator is to understand your goals and how many calories you should consume in order to reach them. By using accurate data for each activity, you can ensure that you are reaching your fitness goals and maintaining healthy weight. With a calculator, it is easier than ever to stay on track and motivated throughout your fitness journey. Get accurate results today and turn your fitness dreams into reality.


Q. How many calories I burn while sleeping?

Are you excited to know we burn calories even while sleeping. Even though, we're in rest our body needs energy for essential activity like breathing, blood circulation, cells growth and repair, etc.

On an average we burn around 50 calories per hour. After all, there are lots of different factors that play a role in how quickly or slowly your body burns calories.

Q. What if I burn 500 calories per day?

If you are burning 500 calories per day, congratulations! That's a great amount of exercise. On an average you might lost around 0.25 Kg to 0.50 Kg per week. 

Q. How many calories do you naturally burn in a day?

Let's take a look at how many calories you should consume daily to reach your fitness goal. You can use calculator such as daily calorie intake calculator tool to help identify the calories you should consume to achieve your goal like weight loss, weight gain and maintain your current weight.

Q. How many calories do 10,000 steps burn?

For most people, 10,000 steps is about 5 miles. Depending on your body weight and the speed of your walking, 10,000 steps can burn anywhere from 250-550 calories or more. The best way to determine how many calories you've burned is to use an Exercise Calories Burned Per Day Calculator.

By entering your personal information and the walking duration that you have taken throughout the day, this calculator will then be able to make personalized calculations specific to you and accurately determine how many calories were burned based on those factors. Now that's pretty cool!